Men's Facial
60 MINUTES: $70 (member) |
$100 (nonmember)
Are you scared to try our facial? Do you feel like skin care is only for women? Absolutely not, you need this more than most women do!
Come in and you will have
• A total skin analysis
• Deep pore cleanse
• Extractions
• Face Massage
• Beard cleanse
• Beard balm to help retain moisture.

30 MINUTES | $300.00
Similar to microneedling, microchanneling is a non-invasive procedure designed to stimulate your body's natural ability to generate collagen, elastin and other building blocks of healthy skin. By stimulating the outermost layers of the skin, microchanneling can help your jump-start your body's natural process.

Face & Neck
60 MINUTES - $350.00
Similar to microneedling, microchanneling is a non-invasive procedure designed to stimulate your body's natural ability to generate collagen, elastin and other building blocks of healthy skin. By stimulating the outermost layers of the skin, microchanneling can help your jump-start your body's natural process.

Add On To Your Facial!
Cold Stone Facial
Cold stones are amazing for TMJ, migraines and it can also help reduce puffiness in the face.
LED Therapy
Trying to get rid of acne, scaring, wrinkles or sun damage? Our selection of LED treatments can help!
High Frequency
BENIFITS- Reduces wrinkles, acne and scaring and sun damage. The high-frequency facial machine provides a safe and gentle high-frequency electrical current which, through thermal energy and heat as well as a high rate of oscillation, works to: Increase collagen growth. Enhance blood flow and circulation. Reduce acne-causing bacteria.